Let me show you how! Follow these steps - and make sure to follow them all!
Everyone says this... but why? Because if it’s not every day, it’s hard for kids to remember which days are “on” or “off.” (And without Step #1, there can be no Step #5. Keep going!)
Habit formation experts call this step "intention setting." Basically, that means pre-determining when, where, and how practice happens. That's fine for regular practice routines where parents usually do the work of keeping every child on-task for every task... But to make it self-initiating practice, you have to reverse the stakes by become the "Fail-Safe" rather than "Order Barker." Here's how:
In this step, you’ll set an alarm to go off each day at the latest time you consider reasonable for practice. This is when you remind them if they haven’t already remembered on their own. That way, if practice doesn’t happen, you can “take the blame” and spare some negative feelings!
When choosing your cutoff time:
At Microsoft Corporation, they say "What gets measured gets done!"
The attached BIG-BOX chart is easy for kids to follow, and gives a BIG sense of achievement for each BIG checkmark! (See "downloads" above) And, it's designed to be easy enough for kids who haven't even learned to write.
THIS was the layer that made the difference between ME doing the reminding and HIM trying to do it before the timer went off! (It’s so simple!)
THIS is the layer that LOCKS IN the practice routine!
Sick days, vacations, shared custody, and holidays are just a few exceptions you may choose for practice streaks to not “count” on those days.
Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what rules to put in place. Be flexible, be creative with exceptions, and remember the BIG goal is your child making progress on the inside!
What a clever teacher trick it is to make the learning sink in by having you review the steps... So I won't do that.
Instead, I'll suggest considering what happens to the system if any of the 5 steps gets removed... Can any be removed without the whole system falling apart?
Give it a try! And let me know what you think in the comments below!
Best wishes,
Mr. Zach
P.S. If you remember, come back and let me know how it's going! I'd love to see some small "streak" numbers turn into BIG ones!